Sunday, March 6, 2011

Customer Service

Though the product itself is what makes for a great company, when it comes to products you commonly use with children, a no BS Customer Service is a very close second. I recently had a great experience, so I want to share my satisfaction with this company.

Like any good story, it begins with me online shopping, looking for answers. Here were my problems at the time;

#1. As soon as Cameron turned about 3 months, he started breaking out of his swaddle. The fleece blankets I was using just weren't big enough, so I stopped trying, and just covered him.

#2. When I began just covering him, he started to grab the blanket, to pull it up to his face. This of course, made me a little nervous, since none of the blankets I had were breathable. There were several times I would wake up seeing that he had tucked the blanket over his face, completely under his head! What was I supposed to do to stop him from doing that?!

#3. When he started to get a little more mobile, the position I put him down to sleep in, was never the position he woke up in! Along the way, he would lose his blankets, and wake up cold.

Enter Aden+Anais. The ultimate in safe sleep luxury for babies. All their products are made from a super soft, 100% BREATHABLE muslin. (Hallelujah).

My mind was put at ease knowing that no matter what I put in Cameron's crib, he could breathe through it. For the little face covering deal, A+A have a perfect solution. They call them "issie's". A small 16"x16" security blanket. Here it is in action!

Sleep Sacks are getting pretty popular now. They are the perfect solution for babies that don't keep covers on. (which is most of them!) I like the A+A ones, since the muslin doesn't overheat baby. They have 2 versions of the sleeping bags. A one layer for warmer weather, and a four layer for cooler nights.

Though I didn't get the swaddles in time to use them, I am eager to test them out. I picked them up on sale at my local boutique shop. They are a huge 47"x47", and will no doubt solve the dramas of before. I wish I had known sooner! I have added to my collection with a few Dream blankets too.

So here we are back at the beginning. I bought some issie's for Cameron back in September, and one recently got a hole in it. I figured I may as well try my luck at their Customer Service department to see if they could do anything for me. I was surprised to hear back from them very quickly, telling me they would send me a replacement! Seriously. 6 Months after I bought it. Now that's commitment to the customer!

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